Core areas
“Academic Plan”
Ø IBS 300 : Principles of International
IBS 300 looks at International Business from a Multidisciplinary analysis of international
economics and financial environments. Furthermore, the analysis extends to operations of multinational firms and their interaction with
home and host societies. This integrates with Religious studies through the cultures
and ethics of many countries. In the international arena, many societies revolve
around their faith, therefore is crucial to understand their practices. This
course relates directly with my studies in International Business and Religious Studies.
It has provided me with a broader understanding of doing business in religious cultures, and integrating faith into
business deals.
Ø IBS 394 : Economics of the
European Union
IBS 394 is a special topics
course that deals with specific regions throughout the world. I chose to
take Economics of the European Union, because I lived in Italy for one year studying business
and religion. I lived with a Catholic Priest, and learned the culture. This class enhanced my understanding of the balance of the economy with the people and their culture. The European Union is a growing facet to religious cultures in each of the union countries. I learned how the government policies integrate religion with the state. With my future goals of doing business with churches in Europe, I must know the regulations and policies
of the European Union.
Ø REL 100 : World Religions
REL 100 is a basic course
that studies the religions of the world. It introduces the history of religious
traditions of the world, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism.
After taking this course, I learned to have a greater respect for people and their beliefs. Many people lives revolve around their faith, therefore it is important to understand their beliefs
in order to communicate thoroughly. This is extremely important in doing business
with other cultures. For example, in China
their faith is based on peace and relationships. In doing business in China,
one must know that a business deal may take days; this leaves time to meet the family, go golfing, go to eat or drink, and
build trust. This is a faith based culture, that integrates their belief system
into their business practices.
Ø REL 294 : Introduction to Mesoamerican Religions
REL 294 focuses specifically
on one religious tradition; Mayan religion. The Mayan people in Mexico
are primitive in nature, and desire simplicity and equality. Many Mayan indigenous
rarely leave their villages, and are very uneducated. This course helped me understand
how to integrate my career goals with poor uneducated cultures. I would like
to sell religious book and artifacts at lower costs to cultures that are uneducated.
This course gave me a prime example of the type of culture that I would like to focus on; the uneducated are widely
spread throughout the world.
REL 305: Rituals, Symbols,
REL 305 is
an course on rituals, symbols, and myths as types of religious expression, with examples selected from the nonliterate religions
of the world. Many cultures use myths to deliver messages over time. Although
the myths may change depending on interpretation, the cultures adapt to the faith.
Many nonliterate countries use symbols to describe their culture. I learned
how to integrate my practices with those of another culture. This is extremely
important for conducting business practices in other countries. For example,
many nonliterate countries use symbols to portray a message. A marketer must
know which direction the symbols are read; left-right / right-left. Many countries
read differently, therefore it is Important to understand their practices.