Concentration Areas Assignments
Each assignment
is descibe below and can be found in this order on the following pages, unless otherwise noted.
þ DISC Profile Survey
This is a personality and work ethic analysis that was taken during
BIS 301 Course: I think that this is very
important for the portfolio because it describes in great detail my personality and my best work style. I chose to place
this in the section for Concentration area assignments, because it applies to all concentrations; not only BIS. This first artifact in this section because I believe that it is the most important.
þ REL 305 Assignment: Image and Myth Paper
This assignment is a paper on the integration of
a particular image and myth. We were supposed to dissect the image using comparisons. I found this assignment important for the portfolio because it illustrates how I organized
my thoughts in regards to the comparison of the image and myth.
þ REL 305 Assignment: Paper on the “Image of
I placed this paper after the Image and Myth paper
because it expands on the topic that I wrote about in the Image and myth paper. It
takes the differences of the image and myth and combines them into a theological explanation.
This paper clearly points out my imaginative skills, and my systematic nature.
I can organize thoughts in a very intellectual way that can be understood by the