Peter’s BIS Assignments
Each assignment
is descibe below and can be found in this order on the following pages, unless otherwise noted.
þ BIS Assignment 1: IDS Web Search
This assignment is the first assignment that was given in class. I placed it first in
section 1 of my portfolio because it describes each concentration area in detail. It
also gives a basic overview of what Interdisciplinary Studies is and how it is applied.
I find this assignment very important in the portfolio because of the information that it holds.
þ BIS Assignment 2: Concentration Areas Summary
The concentration
area summary assignment is important in understanding how I integrated International
Business with Religious Studies. Each concentration is described in detail. Also found in the summary are sub-fields, which
expand the specific concentration to other areas to be integrated. This is the
second assignment found in this section.
þ BIS Handout: Prochaska’s Stages of Change
This handout was given in class, as an example of Theory Barrowing.
I have already used this model in some of my areas of work. This is a
very useful handout, therefore I thought it may be important to put into my portfolio.
This is the 3rd example found in this section.
þ BIS Assignment: Core Ideology
This assignment fit better in Section 2 of the portfolio. I
placed it there because it discusses my goals, mission statement, and processes of how I became who I am now. I find this to be an important document in this portfolio, because it allows an employer to better understand
me and my background. It also may give an employer a sense of my future goals.