A well organized person controls a given task in a well throughout and critical manner. Often, I am disciplined in my work ethic and efficient in accomplishing a goal. I am very orderly with data and logical with decision making. A well-ordered decision maker tends to carefully plan the processes for the task in order to reach superior
It is extremely important to have a well-organized member within the company.
It is critical to maintain an orderly task force that leads to the company’s success. With an interdisciplinary team, organization is what drives the harmony of the decision makers. All members of the team must understand each other and the task in order for the best results to be accomplished. Furthermore, there are so many people who rely on the services of the company,
that it is imperative that the customer needs are met in an efficient manner. The
consumers often like to retain a sense of control or understanding of the goods or services that are being provided. A well-organized company is easily understood.
For Example; Each year (for 3 years), I have organized a religious pilgrimage to Holy sites in Europe for a group of college students. College students
are generally poor, and adventurous. With these needs in mind, I must organize
a trip that will stimulate their interest and meet their financial boundaries. My
organization has been so precise that the participants are fully aware of the destinations, the budget, and the adventure
that will partake for each day. I have attached an itinerary and a budget sheet
for the most recent pilgrimage. I also have full page descriptions of each day,
but these are not attached. I organize the trip this way, because I have found
a better response if the students know exactly what the pilgrimage entails.